The Annual Migration is About to Begin!

monarchThe Annual Papillon Migration is about to begin!  Inspired by Sylvie our papillon, we are ready for all 192 miles.  Friday we will meet with the folks we have trained with, gather around a big table for dinner and watch the opening ceremonies. At 5:30 am on Saturday, we will roll out of Sturbridge and take flight.  When we land in Bourne we will be tired but happy.  We will have seen hundreds of people along the road cheering us on.  Holding signs.  Ringing bells.  We will have seen the signs with photos of pedal partners – kids with cancer.  We will be inspired to get up the next day and do it all over again with Provincetown in our sight.

This is where we sign off, say thanks to our supporters, and get a good night’s rest.

Ready to roll:  Kevin, Gregg, Craig, Queen of the Mountain, Kris, Heather, Eilidh, John,  Barb, Erika, Ravi, & Ditmars


and of course, our very own Snappy Dog!


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