PMC 2013 in review:

This year’s PMC was the best ever!  Temperatures in the 80s made for a great 192 mile spin from Sturbridge to Provincetown.  Let’s roll the photos:

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You have made it all the way to the end of the blog… PLEASE VIEW THE VIDEO about why we ride the PMC… by clicking right here.

THANKS to our supporters for making this year’s PMC such a successful event!  See you next year!

100% of funds we raise go to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and The Jimmy Fund.



The Monarchs are back for PMC 2013!


We’re registered.  In advance.  No ruminating, no scrambling at the last minute, no worrying we have to sleep in a tent in the rain.  Nope.  Registered.  Early enough to get a bed in an air conditioned ship and a spot on the party ferry back to Boston.  It’s like we know what we’re doing.

red camera 098Thanks for being here again and supporting us.  Like last year, we will keep you updated with our training as we log the miles in anticipation of a hot?/sunny?/humid?/rainy? 192 mile ride on August 3-4.  With your help, Team Sylvie will ride from Sturbridge to Provincetown to raise money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and The Jimmy Fund.

We will take advantage of what we have learned over the last two Pan Mass Challenge rides we have completed:

  1. trust the training
  2. 5:30 am is a perfect time to start a long ride
  3. popsicles are breakfast food
  4. Fluff® tastes good with peanut butter
  5. a couch made of ice cubes can be a welcome sight
  6. we can’t do this without you

We are busting out of our wintery cocoon!

Here are our donation pages.  Thank you for your help and encouragement!

100% of funds raised go to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and The Jimmy Fund.  Please support our ride… by clicking the links below:



Champagne tous les jours!

MC and Dana
